Algorithmic body: physical models

Thursday, October 11, 2007 § 3

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You are currently reading Algorithmic body: physical models at object-e architecture.


§ 3 Response to “Algorithmic body: physical models”

  • Anonymous says:

    beautiful shape, Is it possible to have some information regarding software used, etc? Do you work inside a cad application like maya or rhino with custom made software? (plug in etc)

  • thanks giuseppe. well, the final result is a combination of several things. I begun in maya with a ca script. The result was exported into rhino and it was used as the input for a voronoi script (which actually employs an application called qhull). That I exported into 3dstudio for the rest of the modeling. However, the process doesn't have to be so shattered, it is just that when I started this project I didn't know what it will be in the end, so I was trying different things... I am sure that if you know from the beginning what you want to have in the end, one software is more than enough. But that wouldn't be so interesting...

  • Eva L says:

    Interesting thoughts I really enjoyed your blog.