This is the entry for the UIA 2008 competition. Two stochastic algorithms are used for the generation of the project. The first one is generating random boxes with the aim to create the spaces that will host the program (info point, exhibition area, press area). Certain criteria are set (distance between the volumes, shape of the public area etc.) which have to be met in order for the algorithm to position the space. The second algorithm is finding the bounding box of the 3 spaces and is then stochastically generating vertical cutting planes that define a structural system that creates a canopy above the 3 volumes. A rather weak linear element - that of a plane cutting a box - is repeated and weaved in such a way that the result becomes rigid and structural.

The light strategy followed is shifting the focus of what is being perceived as the dominant element during the day and during the night, from the structural canopy (day) to the glowing rectangular volumes (night).

(in collaboration with katerina tryfonidou, fotis vassilakis, dora christoforidou)